The Annual General Meeting of Upper Goulburn Community Radio Inc. (UGFM – Radio Murrindindi) was held on Wednesday 16th August 2017. We had a great attendance with representation from members, many being regular presenters and broadcasters on UGFM.

After over 22 years with UGFM – Radio Murrindindi, Julee Hosking retired as Secretary. Julee has meticulously performed the role for most of those years and last year became a life member and continues to broadcast her Men and Paws program each and every Thursday from 10am. However, she will continue to support the station behind the scenes with her knowledge of community broadcasting. Thank you Julee from all of us for your many years of dedication to the station.
At the meeting the Presidents Report and Treasurers financial report was tabled and we received verbal reports from each of the studio representatives from Alexandra, Kinglake, Marysville and Yea.
The committee of management consists of
Peter Weeks – President
Rod Clue – Vice President
Teresa Clue – Secretary
Judy Blakeney – Treasurer
Pam Young – Minute Secretary
Michael Mawson – General Committee
Slav Miladinovic – General Committee
Following the AGM we held a Presenters meeting where we updated Presenters and Members on changes to the way we broadcast the weather and our plans for the relocation of the Kinglake Ranges studio.