ACMA Includes Kinglake Ranges and Flowerdale into UGFM’s licensed Broadcast area

The ACMA has formally included the Temporary Community Broadcast Licence for the KInglake Ranges license area and the Out of Area Re-transmission Licence for the Flowerdale/Hazeldene area into the one licensed broadcast area for Upper Goulburn Community Radio Inc. (UGFM – Radio Murrindindi). UGFM has held the TCBL for the Kinglake Ranges for the past few years and for three years following the 2009 Victorian Bushfires. UGFM has held the Flowerdale/Hazeldene licence for over ten years with the translator relaying all  of UGFM’s programs in entirety to the area, the Flowerdale translator helped to save many lives with vital information broadcast alerting listeners of the 2009 fires impending spread into the area.

The current Kinglake Ranges Studio – Pam Young at the helm.

The Kinglake Ranges studio originally established by Kinglake Ranges Radio is now included as one of the five UGFM studios located across the Murrindindi Shire. All programs from the Kinglake Ranges Studio are relayed across all five UGFM transmitters located around the UGFM broadcast area servicing the Murrindindi Shire. The same occurs for the studios at Alexandra, Marysville and Yea.

With the inclusion of the Kinglake Ranges and Flowerdale into UGFM’s license area the community radio service is truly a shire-wide broadcaster with local community input into programs and content from each studio.

If you are a regular listener please drop us a line and let us know what you think about our station and programs, we value your feedback. Further, if you would like to support the station by becoming a member or train to become a broadcaster from any of our studios nearest to where you live at Alexandra, Kinglake, Marysville or Yea please let us know, our contact details are:


P 03 5772 2722

UGFM, P.O. Box 270, Alexandra, Vic. 3714