Anzac Day Service 2017 – Cenotaph Leckie Park Alexandra
UGFM again this year broadcast the 11 am Anzac Day service from Leckie Park in Alexandra. The service is attended by the Army Transport Regiment from Puckapunyal for the Alexandra Branch of the RSL. Members of the community the RSL, Emergency Services and Army marched with the local Brass Band from the Alexandra RSL to the Leckie Park cenotaph.
The service was attended by around 500 people and heard speakers including students from the Alexandra Secondary College, the Army Transport Regiment address the audience. UGFM not only broadcasts the local service each year for the many listeners that are unable to attend for various reasons but also provides the Public Address system for the service.
Thankfully the weather was kind to us as it rained heavily prior and following the service.
Senator Bridget McKenzie was also in attendance and spoke live with UGFM following the service on the significance of Anzac Day.