New Transmitter for UGFM at Yea


UGFM has received Federal Government funding for replacement of the old transmitter and antennas that provide coverage of the Yea and Highlands district for the station.

The grant of nearly $7,000 through the Community Broadcasting Foundation from the Federal Government will provide a replacement for the old transmitter that had become unreliable. The new Antennas will also help provide better coverage of the area as well.

During the Victorian 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires the Yea transmitter played a vital role in providing backup coverage for the Flowerdale and Strath Creek area when UGFM’s Flowerdale transmitter was lost due to the Kilmore East fire passing through the area destroying many houses and knocking out Radio Broadcast & Mobile Communications in the area. UGFM also lost the Marysville transmitter as the Murrindindi fire passed through that district earlier on  that day, relying on the primary transmitter at Alexandra/Eildon to provide backup coverage.

Through a grant from the Bushfire Community Recovery Committee, UGFM has also received funding for two automated generators to be installed at the Marysville and Yea transmitters of $24,000 to ensure these transmitters stay on air during mains power failures.

Following the Royal Commission into the Bushfires of which UGFM gave evidence it would seem that many SWER power lines (Single Wire Earth Return) may be switched off during bad fire weather days. Both the Alexandra/Eildon and Yea transmitters rely on SWER power lines to supply mains power to operate. These generators are vital should that situation occur as much of the community relies on UGFM’s broadcasts for information during emergencies.

UGFM is very greatfull to have the funding for the new transmitter at Yea to give reliabilty of service in times of need for the area.