Get involved with UGFM and open doors to a whole new world. You can become a member and then if you wish go on to assist in many ways, from training to become a presenter/broadcaster, helping out with administration, working in the CD library, outside broadcasts, the technical department or promote your business on-air by becoming a sponsor.
Become a Member
You can show your support for UGFM by becoming a member of the station. Your local community radio station needs members and your membership gives the UGFM volunteer team encouragement for the work we do and is also clear indication of community support. Membership does not mean that you have to become a broadcaster or more involved at all, it is your way of being involved.
Simply download a membership application form or contact our membership department by emailing or call 03 5772-2722 and find out how you can become a member today!
Become a hands-on Member
Ever dreamed of become a radio star? Here is your chance! If you wish to become involved with UGFM on-air or even behind the scenes – there are many different areas to get involved with.
- Administration
- Technical
- CD Library
- On-Air Presenters
- Show Producers
- Sponsorship and Membership Team
- and much more!
An opportunity at UGFM will give you the experience and community involvement that can open many doors for your future. Simply contact our administration department by emailing or call 03 5772-2722 and find out how you can become involved today!