Our Broadcasters in Action

UGFM has around 45 Presenters that Broadcast programs live to air every day of the week. We are all volunteers and very much enjoy what we do, and love your feedback and encouragement.

We would also like to thank our sponsors, members and those that support us through grants as without you we would not be here! Please support those businesses and organizations that support us.

Here are just some of our Presenters past and present in action broadcasting from our Studios in Alexandra, Kinglake Ranges, Marysville, Yea and Albury.

Peter Rice & Teresa Clue with Mayor Margaret Rae
Julee presenting her Men and Paws program
Zac, Will and Mia with Karin Page in Studio 2
(Big) Jim Eagles
Gypsy Rose
Gerald O’Brien – UGFM Sport
Naomi (Nomes)
Frank and his Grandaughter in Studio 5
Sheree and Kim
Peter Weeks – UGFM Sport
Pam – Kinglake Ranges
Mike Dalmau – Good Morning Murrindindi
Rita – Polywaffle Show
Pom – The Goons
Michael Mawson – Alternative to Good
Ian Hewitt – Limbo Rock
RIP Ron Sinclair
RIP Rick (Bones) MacKinnon
Kim and Lyn
AJ Raymes and Dave
Peter Weeks, Peter Rice and Brian Sillett with Guest on location at Barham NSW
Bryan Slader
Julee with Chris Street and James Blundell
Laurie Hood – Sounds of the Upper Goulburn
Katie and Sarah
Rod and Teresa Clue
David Fitzroy – Sounds of the Upper Goulburn
Rosemary Penny & Julee – The 3 Stooges (RIP Penny)
A UGFM Broadcaster Night 2015
Gerry Laws @ ASC Jam Session
Kim and Linda – 2 of The Goons
Katie after a hard night
Margaret McLaughlan – The Message
Big Jim and Les
David Lydford – After Work Show
David Palmer – Brekky
Brad and Wayne on our very first Outside Broadcast at Eildon
Peter setting up an OB at the 2019 Lake Eildon Boat Show
Tara broadcasting from original Studios at ASC
Alex Caughey, Danny Hogan, Peter Rice & Laurie Hood at Molesworth Rec
Brian Sillett with Guest in the Marysville Studio
Slav Brian and Bev Fraser at Marysville Jazz and Blues Weekend
Peter Guest – All That Jazz and Blues at the MJ&BW
Rob Stuchbury RHS – Interviewing a Jocky at the Yea Races
John Walsh – In The Deep End with Dept Mayor Margaret Rae
Will Nash – Mix Tape Radio Show at ADH OB