Community Radio has ceraintly proved itself during,and since, the tragic
fires of 7th February , 2009.
UGFM has received enormous praise from many residents for the early warnings that were broadcast to warn residents of the developing fire disaster.
As part of our responsibilities, within the Murrindindi Shire Emergency Managemnt Plan, this is a major component of of which we give absolute priority.
fires of 7th February , 2009.
UGFM has received enormous praise from many residents for the early warnings that were broadcast to warn residents of the developing fire disaster.
As part of our responsibilities, within the Murrindindi Shire Emergency Managemnt Plan, this is a major component of of which we give absolute priority.
The recent major & unprecendented, fire emergency across our area, and Victoria, on and after 7th February, 2009 demonstated just how important it is to provide listeners with up to date information.
On ‘Black Saturday’ UGFM broadcast early warnings of developing fires.
We believe these warnings were instrumental in alerting many of the approaching danger and were responsible for many to preplan for the
appoaching, very fast moving and astronomically spotting wildfires.
UGFM operated under enormous difficuties during this period, nevertheless,
many advise that “UGFM should be very proud of what they did. They may have saved many lives on that fateful day”.