UGFM Yea Studio ‘On-Air’

Vice President Rod Clue with Cathy McGowan AO MP Indi view the plaque

Saturday 5th December 2015

Cathy McGowan AO MP Federal Member Indi today officially opened the Yea Studio for UGFM – Radio Murrindindi. The event was broadcast live across the Murrindindi Shire on the UGFM network of 5 transmitters. 

Also in attendance was Cindy McLeish MP State Member for  Seymour, from the Murrindindi Shire Cr Margaret Rae Mayor, Cr  John Kennedy Deputy Mayor, Cr Eric Lording and Michael  Chesworth GM Corporate & Community Services, from the  Community Broadcasting Foundation Peter Batchelor President, Ian  Stanistreet CEO and Jo Curtin, from the FRRR Hannah Jakab, and  representatives from Yea Rotary Club, Yea RSL, Yea Men’s Shed,  Friends of Yea Railway Park, Yea Primary School, St Patrick’s Race  Club, Seymour FM, the UGFM Committee of Management,  Broadcasters and members of the public. 


Peter Rice & Teresa Clue ‘On-Air’ with Murrindindi Shire Mayor Cr Margaret Rae



Cathy McGowan, Cindy McLeish, Margaret Rae and Peter Batchelor  all spoke highly of the work of the station over the past 21 years  especially during the bushfires and the unique situation in having  multiple studios located around the listening area, providing easy  access to the station for communities across the Murrindindi Shire and surrounds.  

Ian Stanistreet & Peter Batchelor with Peter Weeks

The Yea studio project has cost $45,000 and has been funded through grants of $10,000 from the CBF, $20,000 from the FRRR, $500 each from Yea Rotary Club and St Patrick’s Race Club Yea. The remaining $14,000 came from UGFM – Radio Murrindindi station funds.

Peter Weeks UGFM President said that “many hundreds of hours went into preparing the studio and meeting rooms and then into installation of studio equipment located at the old Yea Railway Station. Much of this was by Rod and Teresa Clue”, who were acknowledged with certificates of appreciation on the day along with the other contributors.

Judy Blakeney with Cindy McLeish MP Eildon

Programs from all studios including Yea share the UGFM program grid, they are all fed to Alexandra and then linked to the five transmitters servicing Alexandra/Lake Eildon, Flowerdale, Kinglake, Marysville and Yea communities, thus the same program content is heard across the listening area no matter which studio is on line.  

Mr. Weeks said “the Murrindindi Shire helped considerably in assisting with Heritage Victoria approval, licensing and gaining a planning permit for the studio. The Yea Men’s Shed build window frames for the studio and a set of pigeon holes for broadcasters. Greg Sharp and his students from Broadford Tech built the console bench and sound proofing. Local community groups and organizations also supported our successful grant applications for the project”.

The Yea studio began broadcasting programs a few months ago and includes local interviews, news, sport and a variety of music. Anyone wishing to become involved as a broadcaster can contact the station on 03 5772 2722.